داستان آبیدیک

regulatory bodies


1 عمومی:: نهادهای نظارتی

11.2 If the User wishes to challenge the time of the start of the event, he must provide an official document (or a link to the website of regulatory bodies of the given event) which confirms the actual time of the start of the match on which the given bet was made. 11.3 While arising disputes regarding the time of the start of the event, if the official regulatory bodies of the appropriate tournament/event do not provide (or lack) such information, the information of Virobet about the start time of the event is considered the only correct one while calculating the bets. The decision of the governing bodies of relevant federations and regulatory bodies are also taken into account. 18.2 All inquiries of Users regarding to the correctness of the results of Virobet site should be based only on the basis of official sources of information (websites of regulatory bodies for these championships).

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